Senior Backend Software Developer

Partners – Europe


CCP Software GmbH (Germany)

The expertise of CCP Software GmbH enables companies and public institutions to use software and cloud services economically. The range of services includes Software Asset Management (SAM), cloud, sourcing, and security. CCP offers support, operational implementation, and special managed services.

In sourcing, CCP provides modern services through global procurement, negotiation, and billing software licenses and cloud services. We research, study, design, and procure customer-specific licenses from random software to complex, individual enterprise licenses from well-known software vendors.

Information Workers Group (Italy)

IWGroup, con professionisti che operano nel settore da oltre 20 anni, è in grado di analizzare le esigenze organizzative del cliente e di disegnare, implementare e seguire un percorso realizzativo sino a completamento del progetto.

Dinamica IT (Italy)

Dinamica IT è la società di Gruppo Levia, system integrator di riferimento dal 1963, specializzata in infrastrutture IT custom-made.
La sua mission: semplificare l’Information Technology, fornendo ad Aziende e Studi soluzioni complete, innovative e personalizzate e un servizio assistenza di alta qualità.

Tonazzi (Switzerland)

The range of IT products and services is growing rapidly. Anyone who does not familiarize themselves with the many different areas of IT on a daily basis runs the risk of quickly losing track of the big picture. Since 2001, tonazzi dot net has been advising customers on the effective use of a wide spectrum of technologies, thereby helping to reduce IT-related complexity and create competitive advantages within companies.

TriSys IT Solutions Ltd. (Hungary)

We provide enterprise IT solutions for small and medium-sized businesses based on Microsoft technologies. In addition to ongoing operational support, we can provide professional assistance in the following areas: licensing, planning, consulting, migration, implementation, and training.
Our team is made up of experienced people with manufacturer qualifications who have already proven their expertise in a number of projects.

Eyetech Ltd (Malta, North Africa, Italy)

Eyetech Ltd was established in 2002 and during the years has been providing IT services to several clients with presence in Malta, North Africa and Italy.

We offer a complete IT support service that is dependable, personal and cost effective. Whatever your IT requirements, we will work with you to understand your needs and those of your business, and we will build the solution that’s best for you at the reasonable prices. We work with your preferred communications, hardware or software supplier too.

Terrabit GmbH (Germany)

Als vielfach ausgezeichnete, mittelständische Unternehmensgruppe mit Sitz in Reutlingen / Tübingen (Metropolregion Stuttgart) sowie Niederlassungen in Karlsruhe / Ettlingen und Hamburg haben wir uns auf innovative IT-Lösungen spezialisiert.

Maßgeschneidert an die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden angepasst und dennoch höchst flexibel ausgelegt.

Com Co Labs (Germany)

Lassen Sie uns zusammenarbeiten
Office 365, Prozesse, Cloud, Sicherheit, CRM, Besser zusammenarbeiten, Deutsche Cloud, Datenschutz, Digitalisierung, SharePoint, Compliance, Lizenzkosten, Azure, Anwender, Lösungen
​Noch Fragen? ​Wir haben Antworten!

Central Networks and Technologies (United Kingdom)

Central Networks and Technologies Ltd is a leading provider of integrated ICT solutions and services to organisations across the UK.

Our Hosted Desktop / Tenant Digital Access solutions are designed to help you optimise efficiency, implement greener IT solutions, maximise customer service and achieve a greater return on technology investment.

From a 24×7 ITIL based Support Desk offering 1st, 2nd and 3rd line services, to the provision of full time onsite engineers; Central Networks offers a full portfolio of flexible services.

Concat (Germany)

Since 1990, Concat ( has earned a reputation as a trustworthy systems integrator implementing custom-tailored IT solutions. If required, these will be enhanced by support services through its’ own Helpdesk (24×7).

Concat furthermore offers private cloud enterprise solutions and fully managed hybrid and public cloud services. The acquisition of Synergy Systems ( added data center and hosting capabilities to the portfolio. The team of Synergy Systems operates data centres in major German cities.

Headquartered in Bensheim, Concat is represented with eleven branch and sales offices throughout Germany. In the 2012 fiscal year, 200 employees generated sales of 97 million euros. Since 2006, Concat has been a part of the renowned Meridian Group International Inc., USA (

H-ITS (Germany)

Sprechen Sie Technisch? Nein? Das müssen Sie auch nicht. Dafür haben Sie uns. Wir sind Spezialisten in der IT und kümmern uns darum, dass Ihre läuft und Sie in Ihrem Arbeitsalltag unterstützt.

Wir betrachten uns selbst als ausgelagerte IT-Abteilung. Schnell greifbar, persönlich und lösungsorientiert.
Fragen Sie uns! We make IT happen.

ACESI (France)

Le Groupe ACESI est une société de Service-Conseil spécialisée en INFRASTRUCTURES, SYSTEMES et RESEAUX.

L’excellence est au cœur de nos préoccupations : dans un souci d’efficacité et de maintien des services au meilleur de l’état de l’art, nous vous aidons à améliorer en continu vos processus informatiques sur la base des référentiels de bonnes pratiques utilisés dans :
– les opérations (ITIL : Information Technology Infrastructure Library) : définit la gestion des services (mise en production, exploitation, traitement des incidents…)
– les projets (PMI : Project Management Institute) : se concentre sur les processus de l’entreprise qui aideront à
– la réalisation de projets adaptés à votre environnement et à votre métier
– l’audit (COBIT) : propose un cadre d’audit, de contrôle et de gestion des risques des SI

LEXIT ICT Consulting (Netherlands)

De rechtspraak in Nederland digitaliseert. Rechtbanken, gerechtshoven, het College van Beroep voor het Bedrijfsleven, de Centrale Raad van Beroep, de Hoge Raad en de Raad van State: in 2017 zullen deze organen digitaal werken. Dat heeft verstrekkende gevolgen voor de praktijkuitoefening van advocaten.

ICT is de ‘back bone’ van ieder advocatenkantoor en moet daarom áltijd werken. En: veilig zijn.

LEXIT ICT Consulting in Den Haag is gespecialiseerd in de digitalisering van de advocatuur en rechtspraak. Met onze juridische achtergrond en jarenlange ervaring in de ICT, zorgen wij dat uw kantoor die digitaliseringsslag probleemloos maakt.

Lexit ICT Consulting is uw eigen ICT-afdeling, extern maar altijd dichtbij.

CFB-IT (Germany)

Consulting for your Business
Ihr Partner für IT-Consulting und IT-Lösungen in den Bereichen IT-Security, Office 365, Microsoft Azure und der Microsoft On Premise Welt uvam. Entdecken Sie unter LEISTUNGEN, was wir noch für Sie tun können.

Redcom (Spain)

Redcom Cibernético es una empresa de sistemas y tecnología, orientada a tecnologías Microsoft.
Creada en el año 2003, forma parte del Grupo Sapimsa lo que le permite complementar su conocimiento Microsoft con la tecnología SAP.
Las áreas de conocimiento de Redcom Cibernético son SharePoint, Project y Duet Enterprise.

GAB ExactlyIT Solutions (Germany)

GAB ExactlyIT Solutions GmbH is a globally experienced and professional system integrator for state-of-the-art Microsoft technologies. As a multi-certified Microsoft Gold Partner, we are an international specialist for the implementation, transformation and operation of private, hybrid and public infrastructures.

GAB ExactlyIT Solutions GmbH maintains a very close partner relationship with Microsoft and constantly invests in this partnership. This ensures that our team is always up to date with Microsoft technologies:

Microsoft FastTrack Partner
10x Microsoft GOLD Partner
2x Microsoft SILVER Partner
Microsoft ELITE Partner Microsoft ISV Partner
Microsoft Fast Forward Partner
Microsoft Direct Partner CSP – Cloud Solution Provider Programm
Microsoft Solution Partner Office 365 und Azure
Microsoft SAP on Azure

As longstanding experts in the field of IT infrastructure migration, we are pioneers, when it comes to migrating IT environments into the cloud.

If you wish to transform your present IT landscape into a modern hybrid-,
private-, public-cloud organization, we are your partner of choice.


OPENTEAM, entreprise de services du numérique pour PME, a été fondée en 2008. OPENTEAM propose différents services informatiques pour permettre aux PME de se concentrer sur leur cœur de métier :

– Infogérance système et réseau, sécurisation d’infrastructure informatique, sauvegarde externalisée
– Audit d’infrastructure informatique
– Hébergement très haut niveau depuis 1 serveur à plusieurs salles sur plusieurs pays (France/Belgique/Royaume-Uni)
– Fourniture d’accès internet multi-opérateurs pour une disponibilité maximale
– Distribution et installation de systèmes et réseaux informatiques
– Installation de câblage réseau
– Déploiement de réseaux WIFI managés et supervisés (hôtels, cliniques…)

Nordlo (Sweden)

Nordic presence, local roots
For us, digitisation is a human handicraft, where the right digital solutions simplify and improve everyday life. Together, we are able to create sustainable growth in setting up your organisation for the future, with the power to create a better society.

Our journey began already in the 1980s as five independent companies — Office IT-Partner, Dicom, Zetup NetComp and Norwegian IT total. Over the years we have handled various industries and challenges, always with a focus on people. It is the closeness to the customer that have been and is the key to our success.

CPS (United Kingdom)

As an established full-service consultancy, CPS will help you identify, design and implement flexible future-proof solutions that will transform your project and business performance. CPS is an accredited and trusted provider of professional services, solutions and technologies that will improve the quality, productivity and value of your investments. Expertise in Microsoft Project Server, SharePoint, Office 365, Recruitment, and P3M Consulting.


Studiamo soluzioni su misura per le diverse realtà informatiche on promise / on cloud dei propri clienti, dal singolo componente all’intero sistema. Ci occupiamo principalmente di servizi informatici professionali ma, nello stesso modo in cui eroga i medesimi, ci occupiamo di fornitura di apparecchiature hardware e di licenze software.

Dutchman IT (Netherlands)

Dutchman IT was founded in 2016 and is specialized in consultancy for internet, telephony, and cloud services.

Enimbos (Spain)

Currently the cloud is the main option for the consolidation of information systems, being a highly innovative environment that will have a great development in the coming years. Our values ​as a company are Innovation, providing the most current solutions; Adaptability to the requirements of each client and the passion of our team. Our solutions range from the migration of applications to new environments in a planned way, the provision of multi-cloud infrastructures guaranteeing maximum efficiency and control, the monitoring and operation of systems in 24/7 and the management of Business Continuity.

Risksoft (Romania)

We are a dynamic team committed to supporting our various clients in the current fast-evolving IT climate. Over 18 year experience background in the SMB market enables us to tackle a large array of IT challenges. We offer full solutions for our clients, ranging from helpdesk support to server administration and business solutions. We help our clients build a reliable IT infrastructure that enables them to maximize their business potential by supporting their core processes, cutting costs and improving productivity. Our company vision is structured around a few central pillars: Reliability, Expertise, Swiftness, Flexibility. We pride ourselves in setting up a reliable network infrastructures and using our long term accumulated expertise in choosing the most effective hardware solutions. It doesn’t stop here though: we are dedicated to managing our clients’ IT equipment such as servers, workstations, peripherals, networking equipment, storage, and backup solutions in a swift and comprehensive manner. Balancing performance, business requirements, growth potential and cost are the key aspects when choosing the right software and hardware, be it in regard to development and customization or setting up business suites or cloud computing. It all comes down to flexibility.

DataPacific (United Kingdom)

Data Pacific is a leading provider of IT, telephony solutions, software development and technical support for small and medium-sized businesses throughout the UK. Since 1990 we have been helping organisations use IT to obtain real benefits through cost savings and productivity gains.

PCS Group (Italy)

Nata a Perugia nel 1996 come punto di incontro di esperienze diverse nel settore tecnico e sistemistico, Pc Service acquisisce nel tempo capacità e referenze tali da collocarsi tra le più significative realtà informatiche della regione. Consta di una struttura di 35 risorse, tra commerciali e tecnici certificati, costantemente aggiornati nelle più recenti tecnologie in ambito Networking, Sicurezza e Wireless, Telecomunicazioni. Una selezione attenta dei brend di più elevata qualità e le Certificazioni conseguite negli anni, consentono di soddisfare le esigenze in tutti gli ambiti dell’Information Tecnology. I nostri clienti costituiscono un gruppo estremamente variegato che comprende grandi e piccole aziende, enti, professionisti, ma anche singoli individui, con necessità estremamente diverse, ma uniti da un unico comune denominatore: la necessità di partner estremamente efficienti, che siano in grado di fornire tempestivamente il più alto grado di servizi con esperienza e professionalità. Le tre sedi di Perugia, Terni e Pistoia e l’appartenenza ad una struttura organizzativa nazionale consentono l’erogazione dei servizi e la vendita di prodotti in tutto il territorio italiano.

Baliosoft (Liechtenstein)

Wir liefern seit 2001 Leistungen zum Thema SharePoint: Beratungen, Migrationen, Prozessoptimierung, Architektur, Lösungsentwicklung, Infrastruktur, Reporting, Business Intelligenz und Schulungen.

Wir haben umfangreiche Projekterfahrung bei Gross- und Kleinkunden in Liechtenstein, Schweiz, Deutschland, Österreich und Italien. Unsere Kunden stammen aus verschiedenen Branchen wie z.B. Industrie, Automobilzulieferer, Banken, Versicherungen, Beratungsunternehmen.

Eccora (Spain)

Located in Madrid, éccora is a company specialized in the distribution of software solutions. Our technology partners are both market leading companies and emerging companies, highly specialized in the different sectors for which they develop their software products and solutions.

This positioning allows us to provide constant innovation and the level of service demanded by our clients; placing them at the center of our business model, we are committed to providing an excellent level of support with the flexibility and agility that they need.

848 (United Kingdom)

Here at 848, we are product agnostic, meaning we take into consideration your business needs, user requirements, growth strategies and future goals, ensuring the solution recommended to you is a perfect fit for your organisational requirements.

As experts in Digital Transformation and Optimisation, we ensure your technologies, where possible, are built on an op-ex model and are evergreen in their upkeep.

Kuiper (Spain)

Consultanos sin compromiso como poder realizar las adaptaciones tecnológicas necesarias para rentabilizar tu negocio. Estamos en condiciones de aportarle nuestros conocimientos para satisfacer todas sus necesidades, actuales y futuras, relacionadas con la tecnología y la informática.

Mobit Levanger (Norway)

Mobit Levanger is an it-solutions provider for small businesses in Trøndelag, Norway. We have delivered cloud-, networking- and hardware solutions for the last 20 years.

Dendrio (Romania)

Dendrio represents the reunion of three companies well-known on the Romanian market: Gecad Net, Bittnet and Crescendo. Dendrio inherited the values, competencies, portfolios and teams of some of the most well-known integrators in the IT market in Romania and further builds the integration business from the position of Secured Hybrid Multi-Cloud Integrator.


Société drômoise à taille humaine alliant expertise, engagement et proximité, MEGAO INFORMATIQUE est née en 1986 et est devenue au fil du temps une référence de l’informatique de gestion.
Nos équipes Commerciale, Technique et de Développement comptent 22 personnes fortement impliquées et motivées pour vous garantir des réponses rapides et pertinentes dans nos deux spécialités : l’édition de logiciels de gestion et l’intégration d’infrastructures réseau.
Parce que chaque organisation est unique, nous vous proposons des solutions ouvertes et évolutives. Nos spécialistes en développement logiciel et architecture réseau sont à votre disposition en permanence et proposeront les meilleures réponses à vos besoins.
Pour plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter au 04 75 784 784.
Site web:

MB Solutions (United Kingdom)

Since 1994 we have been concentrating on delivering premium service to our customers, helping them with a broad range of IT related issues. Today we are focused on hosting on Microsoft Azure where we deliver comprehensive set of services, including assessment, migration and IT operations.

We are specialized in:

  • Cloud hosting
  • Microsoft & Office 365
  • Azure
  • Cloud backup
  • Cloud security

Incus Technologies (United Kingdom)

Established in 2014, Incus Technologies is the result of two like minded individuals who wanted to create a IT company truly focused around the customer.
Having experience at some of the biggest hosting providers allowed the two co-founders to see some of the challenges these companies faced and led them to come up with ways in which they could improve upon the service offered.
Our expertise lies in migrations of servers, websites, mailboxes and providing server management support to leading ecommerce companies.
Within the last years, Incus Technologies has increased its ability to support customers by growing the team of dedicated System Administrators to offer 24 x 7 support and leveraging key partners to provide bespoke development work.
Incus Technologies work with some of the best and innovative hosting providers such as UKFast, Memset and ElasticHosts to provide additional customer support and provide services not included in the traditional hosting provider model.
Our upfront approach to pricing, first class customer service and attention to detail means we have become a trusted partner for our own customers and hosting providers alike.

MostWare (Netherlands)

Bij MostWare geloven we dat iedere organisatie toegang moet hebben tot de mooiste IT-oplossingen. Daarom delen wij al sinds 1990 graag onze kennis en kunde. Inspireren met IT noemen we dat. Nu de cloud volwassenheid heeft bereikt, komen er iedere dag meer en meer hightech oplossingen bij. Onze specialisten kunnen je alles vertellen over de uitgebreide mogelijkheden van deze oplossingen. Omdat we bovendien begrijpen dat je niet overal verstand van kunt hebben, doen we dat op een begrijpelijke manier. Ook de volledige implementatie, gebruikersinstructies en het beheer nemen we met plezier uit handen. Zo maken wij met nieuwe technologie de werkdag leuker en beter. Voor onszelf én voor onze klanten.

FBL Italia (Italy)

FBLItalia s.r.l.s.


Tell. +39 02 54104623

Groupe Cyllene (France)

Infogérance Cloud (Azure, AWS,…), Cloud Privé, gestion de la sécurité, infrastructures, développement, hybridation, services collaboratifs, services opérateurs… Les expertises du groupe Cyllene sont multiples et se complètent pour proposer aux entreprises performantes des solutions pour la gestion de leur système d’information (du modèle industriel au sur-mesure).

WESAFE (Sweden)

“WeSafe started in the cloud in 2013 and has since then helped our customers to solve the equation, to redistribute time and finances from operation to innovation, to ensure that IT becomes a crucial competitive advantage.”

3SR (France)

3SR est une société de conseil en informatique qui a été créé en 2012, et a pour objectif principal d’accompagner les entreprises dans leurs transformations vers le Cloud Microsoft. Son fondateur, Alexandre GIRAUD, avec 20 ans d’expérience dans les SSII, et 8 années en tant que MVP Microsoft, a souhaité créer un service de proximité auprès des entreprises pour apporter des compétences autour des solutions Cloud Microsoft (Azure/Office 365), sa sa sécurité et gouvernance.

EXE (Slovakia)

“For the past 25 years, we have been a proud partner of Microsoft. The experiences gained in that time saw us expand from licence sales and system solution integration to deal also with translation services and software localization. Now, with hundreds of complex and very successful projects behind us, we never forget our humble beginnings and look to the future with respect. We hold to the same principles we set out for the company from the very beginning. The experiences we’ve gained fill us with a healthy sense of self-confidence, but also respect for the customer’s needs. We never mislead our clients and always produce only solutions in which we ourselves have complete faith. It is simply who we are.”

Infologo (Switzerland)

“Fondée à Genève en 1987 au moment où la micro-informatique concernait principalement les passionnés et les grandes entreprises, notre société a su évoluer avec son marché et s’imposer comme le spécialiste de l’accompagnement des entreprises et des professionnels pour leurs besoins en informatique et communications unifiées. Infologo propose ses services aux PME et professionnels situés sur l’arc lémanique afin de leur apporter les outils informatiques de leur croissance. Depuis toujours, notre sens de l’écoute, nos compétences et notre professionnalisme sont les valeurs clés de notre renommée.”

Chorus (United Kingdom)

“We are an IT services company, working with companies across the UK implementing, improving and supporting their infrastructure and business software. Our experienced outsourced IT helpdesk and consultants combined with our expertise across business applications and software means that we understand the complete IT landscape. We believe that technology enables organisations to do great things and we help our clients achieve this by combining our technical expertise with our friendly and service-driven approach.”

720 Tec (Spain)

“Technological services, outsourcing, strategic consulting and organizational design, summarize our main lines of business. This is where our company wants to perform the role of catalyst, to ensure that the needs and desires of our customers become reality, through the use of technology in a practical and efficient way, always aimed at achieving the objective (Agile) . The ability to continuously improve and adapt business design is a critical factor for success. For this reason, we articulate a set of products and services that allow our clients to develop innovative activities aimed at the creation and use of knowledge through technology, which increase their ability to solve problems and contribute to the generation of competitive advantages sustainable over time.”

Viadex (United Kingdom)

Viadex focus on supporting globally dispersed mid-market businesses, with multiple datacentre instances and geo-dispersed users. Viadex plan, deliver and manage your global projects across four continents and over 130 countries. Viadex blend cloud and localised infrastructure solutions with an extensive range of support services for every technology need. Since 2001, its experience of global IT supply and logistics has been brought into play to help companies thrive and grow globally.

Insight (Spain)

Insight is a leader in providing smart, cutting-edge technology solutions for global organizations of all sizes. From developing unique strategies to delivering the products, services and expertise, it will help your business run more efficiently and modernize through Insight Intelligent Technology Solutions™.

Unipartner (Portugal)

Unipartner IT Services is an information technology services company that works with government organizations, financial institutions and commercial enterprises to solve their most demanding IT and business challenges.

Unipartner is a privately held company created following the reorganisation of Unisys’ business in 2015. This redefined Unisys’ operations in EMEA and in Portugal, the company now supports clients through an indirect presence. To support the new model, Unipartner has been made a Unisys Service Partner ensure the continuity of projects and business relationships for a wide number of clients and engagements.

PI Services (France)

PI Services is a consulting and engineering company specializing in Microsoft enterprise platforms. Architect and Microsoft Distributed Infrastructure Manager (On-Premise and Cloud). Experience with Active Directory and Exchange platforms since 1997 Pragmatic approach to projects based on publishers’ best practices and always oriented towards “exploitation” End-to-end project management. Since its creation, PI Services ensures a technological watch which allows it to be a leader in certain domains (supervision, archiving, security …)

Neroblanco (United Kingdom)

Nero Blanco has a rich history of providing consulting support. From upgrading operating systems, migrating from one AD to another, or migrating from multiple ADs to a completely clean environment, we have the technical talent you need to meet your business objectives. From messaging infrastructure, networking and security, to storage and server hardware, and virtualisation for multiple operating systems, we provide a rarely found level of skill, knowledge and understanding across most platforms. Our technical team has over 50 years combined experience carrying out complex migration projects for Office 365 migration, Active Directory (AD), Microsoft Exchange, and IBM Lotus Notes/Domino.

Silversands (United Kingdom)

Firmly Established in the UK as a Leading Cloud & Hybrid Consultancy, Silversands has been providing exceptional consulting, planning, design and implementation of IT for 29 years, ensuring our customers always make the best informed and most effective investments, backed up with exemplary service. Our team of highly skilled and dedicated technicians can apply the same level of service to all Cloud and Hybrid applications by offering a level of experience and expertise that is second to none.

Longstone IT (United Kingdom)

Longstone IT is customer focused managed cloud services provider, specialising in helping small business move to and make best use of cloud services.

Neos SDI (France)

Since 2001, Neos-SDI propose innovative usage and business transformation for large and medium sized companies thru specialized services for Office 365 deployments, SharePoint integration, CRM solutions, Application developments and Cloud infrastructure. Neos-SDI is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner.

Solvion (Austria)

Solvion is a leading Austrian consulting company with 15 years of experience in Modern Workplace Solutions in the German speaking market. In 2015 Solvion were presented with the Microsoft Partner of the Year award, demonstrating customer satisfaction and delivering innovative Modern Workplace Solutions. Increasing mobility and flexibility is deeply changing our new world of work. We strongly believe in the potential of innovation. Therefore we provide strategic consultancy and solutions for

  • Modern Collaboration
  • Modern Communication
  • Modern Mobility
  • Digital Processes

Solvion Transition Consulting is based on innovative methods like Design Thinking, and places customers and people in the center of businesses. With our consulting know-how and agile approach to solution development we guide medium- and large-scale enterprises to new possibilities in digitalization.

Kinetix (Malta)

Kinetix specializes in the design, implementation, support and optimization of ICT solutions for the corporate sector.

Olileo (Belgium)

Olileo delivers a complete set of ICT in cloud computing and on-premises for small and medium business.

Prolival (France)

Prolival is an IT services company, specialised in outsourcing, cloud services, consulting and integration.

Onestop IT (Scotland)

Onestop provides IT services, IT consulting and IT project management to small and medium-sized business … The company’s portfolio includes a variety IT services and products from business communication and cloud solutions to hardware, software and support services.

Cheops (France)

Cheops Technology is a France-based company providing computer engineering services. The Company is structured in three segments: design, integration and customization of complex computer infrastructures.

Eliade (FRANCE)

Leader in the integration of Microsoft infrastructure solutions, Eliade is a service company based in the Lille region. Eliade has with Microsoft very close relations both technically and commercially.

OM Conseil (FRANCE)

OM Conseil is an IT services company and telecom accompanying organizations in the optimization and the daily operation of their information systems.

Synergie Informatique (FRANCE)

Since 2010 Synergie Informatique is positioned as an integrator of cloud solutions and has established a new competence center “Cloud & Social Business” ensuring the promotion of major solutions of the collaboration market leading cloud client projects.

DynaMips (FRANCE)

Dynamips is an IT services company for TPE-SMEs, Local Authorities and Associations. The company was founded in 1992 and is experiencing continuous growth for over 20 years. Through its network of local branches, dynamips shines on the regions Pays de la Loire and Brittany and offers optimal responsiveness.


ACCESS IT is a consulting company based in France.

Rain Systems (Netherlands)

RSprojects professionals perform in a professional manner IT projects at home and abroad. Since 1989 rsprojects works on behalf of government, industry and other organizations to improve IT processes and IT systems.

Go://Bit (Netherlands)

Gobit is a consulting company based in the Netherlands.

Ventex (Croatia)

Ventex is an IT company based in Croatia.

Nortec (Norway)

Nortec is an IT company based in Norway.

Softline Group (Russia)

Softline is a leading global IT (information technology) solution and service provider focused on emerging markets such as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Americas, South-East Asia, India. Our services include public and private cloud solutions, end-to-end technology solutions, software licensing, hardware products and broad array of associated products. We serve over 60 000 Enterprise and SMB clients, both from private and public sectors. Over 1300 sales representatives, 600 engineers and technical specialists help our customers navigate through the ever-changing complex IT environment. We build long-term relationships with our clients, partners and employees.  Softline has partnerships with more than 3000 software and hardware manufacturers and has highest partner status with all our key partners. We provide a unique marketing and sales channel for our partners in all the markets where we operate.  Softline is always customer centric and provides brand independent solutions which best serve customer’s needs.

Holistic Technologies Ltd (United Kingdom)

Since 2003, they’ve been supporting clients from across South Yorkshire and around the UK, providing the technology, solutions and IT support needed to improve organisations and drive businesses forward